Source code for lib.heartbeat

from threading import Thread, Timer

from requests import get, post
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, ConnectTimeout

from document.agent.catalog import AgentCatalogDocument
from document.agent.instance import AgentInstanceDocument
from document.exec_env import ExecEnvDocument
from lib.http import HTTP_Status
from lib.token import create_token
from reader.arg import ArgReader
from utils.log import Log

[docs]def heartbeat(): """Heartbeat procedure with the LCPs.""" search = res = search[: search.count()].execute() threads = [] for exec_env in res: if exec_env.lcp: thread = Thread(target=heartbeat_exec_env, args=(exec_env,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() thread = Timer(ArgReader.db.hb_period, heartbeat) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
def heartbeat_exec_env(exec_env): log = Log.get("heartbeat") try: exec_env_id = lcp = exec_env.lcp lbl = f"{exec_env_id} (LCP at {exec_env.hostname}:{lcp.port})" if exec_env.enabled: schema = "https" if lcp.https else "http" endpoint_lcp = exec_env.lcp.endpoint endpoint_lcp = "/" + endpoint_lcp if endpoint_lcp else "" req_uri = f"{schema}://{exec_env.hostname}:{lcp.port}{endpoint_lcp}/status" # noqa F401 resp = post( req_uri, timeout=ArgReader.db.hb_timeout, headers={"Authorization": create_token()}, json={"id": exec_env_id}, ) if resp.status_code == HTTP_Status.OK: data = resp.json() exec_env_id = data.pop("id", None) lcp.started = data.get("started", None) lcp.last_heartbeat = data.get("last_heartbeat", None) log.success(f"Connection established with exec-env {lbl}") else: lcp.last_heartbeat = None log.warning(f"Connection reset with exec-env {lbl}") log.notice(f"Response: {resp.content}") if not lcp.https: lcp.https = False resp = get( f"{schema}://{exec_env.hostname}:{lcp.port}{endpoint_lcp}/poll", # noqa F401 timeout=ArgReader.db.hb_timeout, headers={"Authorization": create_token()}, ) if resp.status_code == HTTP_Status.OK: data = resp.json() # ExecEnv exec_env_data = data.get("exec_env", {}) = exec_env_data.pop("id") # LCP data for field, lcp_data in exec_env_data.pop("lcp", {}).items(): setattr(exec_env.lcp, field, lcp_data) # ExecEnv data for field, ee_data in exec_env_data.items(): setattr(exec_env, field, ee_data) log.success(f"Polling established with exec-env {lbl}") else: log.warning(f"Polling not possible with exec-env {lbl}") if resp.status_code == HTTP_Status.OK: # Agent Type (Catalog) for agent_cat_data in data.get("agentType", []): agent_cat_data_id = agent_cat_data.get("id", None) AgentCatalogDocument.from_agent_type(agent_cat_data) log.success( f"Update agent catalog: {agent_cat_data_id} " f"from {exec_env_id}" ) # Agent Instances for agent_inst_data in data.get("agentInstance", []): agent_inst_data_id = agent_inst_data["id"] agent_inst_data["agent_catalog_id"] = agent_inst_data[ "hasAgentType" ] # noqa E501 AgentInstanceDocument.from_agent_instance( agent_inst_data, exec_env_id ) log.success( f"Update agent instance: {agent_inst_data_id} " f"from {exec_env_id}" ) # noqa E501 # LCP Sons for lcp_son in data.pop("lcpSons", []): lcp_son_id = lcp_son.pop("id", None) exec_env_son = ExecEnvDocument.get_or_new(lcp_son_id) for field, ee_data in lcp_son.items(): setattr(exec_env_son, field, ee_data) exec_env_son.discovered = True log.success(f"Update exec-env/lcp: {lcp_son_id}") else: log.notice(f"Exec-env {lbl} not enabled") except ConnectTimeout: log.error(f"Connection timeout with exec-env {lbl}") except ConnectionError: log.error(f"Connection refused with exec-env {lbl}") except Exception as exception: log.exception( f"Exception during connection with exec-env {lbl}", exception )