Source code for

from marshmallow.fields import DateTime as Date_Time
from marshmallow.fields import Str

from document.agent.instance import AgentInstanceDocument
from import DataDocument
from document.ebpf_program.instance import _eBPFProgramInstanceDocument
from schema.base import BaseSchema
from schema.validate import In
from utils.datetime import FORMAT

[docs]class DataSchema(BaseSchema): """Represents the stored data.""" doc = DataDocument id = Str( required=True, example="BXrHRn5RPU55Qh9JwMZn", description="Id of the data.", ) agent_instance_id = Str( readonly=True, example="filebeat@apache", description="Id of the agent instance in the execution environment that collected the data", # noqa: E501 validate=In.apply(AgentInstanceDocument.get_ids), error_messages=In.error_messages, ) ebpf_program_instance_id = Str( readonly=True, example="packet-capture@apache", description="Id of the eBPF program instance in the execution environment that collected the data", # noqa: E501 validate=In.apply(_eBPFProgramInstanceDocument.get_ids), error_messages=In.error_messages, ) timestamp_event = Date_Time( format=FORMAT, readonly=True, example="2019/02/14 15:23:30", description="Timestamp of the event related to the collected data", ) # noqa:E501 timestamp_agent = Date_Time( format=FORMAT, readonly=True, example="2019/02/14 15:23:30", description="Timestamp when the agent instance collected the data", ) # noqa:E501