Source code for schema.agent.catalog

from marshmallow import Schema, validate
from marshmallow.fields import Bool, Nested, Raw, Str

from document.agent.catalog import AgentCatalogDocument
from schema.base import BaseSchema
from schema.validate import UniqueList
from utils.schema import ListOrOne

AGENT_STATUS = ["started", "stopped", "unknown"]
PARAMETER_SCHEMAS = ["properties", "json", "xml", "yaml"]

[docs]class AgentCatalogActionConfigSchema(Schema): """Agent action configuration.""" cmd = Str( required=True, example="service filebeat start", description="Action command.", ) args = ListOrOne(Str, example="-v", description="Action command argument") daemon = Bool( default=False, example=True, description="Execute the command as daemon.", )
[docs]class AgentCatalogActionSchema(Schema): """Agent action.""" id = Str(required=True, example="start", description="Action name") # TODO unique? config = Nested( AgentCatalogActionConfigSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", required=True, description="Action config.", ) status = Str( enum=AGENT_STATUS, example=AGENT_STATUS[0], description="Update the status the of the agent-instance if the command is executed correctly.", # noqa:E501 validate=validate.OneOf(AGENT_STATUS), ) description = Str( example="Start the execution of the agent.", description="Short description of the agent actions.", )
[docs]class AgentCatalogParameterConfigSchema(Schema): """Agent parameter configuration.""" schema = Str( required=True, enum=PARAMETER_SCHEMAS, example=PARAMETER_SCHEMAS[0], description="Schema of the parameter file", validate=validate.OneOf(PARAMETER_SCHEMAS), ) source = Str( required=True, example="/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml", description="Path of the source parameter file", ) path = ListOrOne( Str, required=True, example="enabled", description="Path of the parameter value in the file", )
[docs]class AgentCatalogParameterSchema(Schema): """Agent parameter.""" id = Str(required=True, example="log-period", description="Parameter id.") type = Str( required=True, enum=PARAMETER_TYPES, example=PARAMETER_TYPES[0], description="Parameter type.", validate=validate.OneOf(PARAMETER_TYPES), ) config = Nested( AgentCatalogParameterConfigSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", required=True, description="Parameter configuration.", ) list = Bool( default=False, example=True, description="Indicate if the parameter can have multiple values.", ) # noqa: E501 values = ListOrOne( Str, example="mysql", description="Possible values if the parameter type is choice.", ) # noqa: E501 description = Str( example="Enable the agent.", description="Short description of the parameter.", ) example = Raw(example="10s", description="Example of parameter value.")
[docs]class AgentCatalogResourceConfigSchema(Schema): """Agent resource configuration.""" path = ListOrOne( Str, required=True, example="/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml", description="File path.", )
[docs]class AgentCatalogResourceSchema(Schema): """Agent resource.""" id = Str( required=True, example="filebeat-config", description="Resource id." ) config = Nested( AgentCatalogResourceConfigSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", required=True, description="Resource configuration.", ) description = Str( example="Filebeat configuration file.", description="Short description of the resource.", )
[docs]class AgentCatalogSchema(BaseSchema): """Represents an agent in the catalog.""" doc = AgentCatalogDocument id = Str( required=True, example="filebeat", description="Id of the agent in the catalog.", ) actions = Nested( AgentCatalogActionSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", many=True, description="Action properties.", validate=UniqueList.apply("id"), error_messages=UniqueList.error_messages, ) parameters = Nested( AgentCatalogParameterSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", many=True, description="Parameter properties.", validate=UniqueList.apply("id"), error_messages=UniqueList.error_messages, ) resources = Nested( AgentCatalogResourceSchema, unknown="INCLUDE", many=True, description="Resource properties.", validate=UniqueList.apply("id"), error_messages=UniqueList.error_messages, ) description = Str( example="Collect system metrics from execution environments.", # noqa: E501 description="Short description of the agent.", ) deployment_source = ListOrOne( Str, example="", # noqa: E501 description="Link to the deployment sources", )